where does the good go?


stretching my fingers in between preparing egg rolls and cooking them...

It has really turned to winter outside. The ground is completely blanketed in a layer of fresh snow, it's quite pretty. Luckily the temperature is quite moderate. The afternoon has almost disappeared and I have yet to start any of the things that are on my side of today's to-do list. I find that most infuriating. I shouldn't complain though, this will just mean that my evening will be a little bit fuller and I will have less idle time. Tonight I might start knitting a toque with the yarn I bought months ago. I also have a book to finish reading, some photos to edit, more laundry to do when the machine is finally free...

anyhow, just had a quick but delightful conversation with my chum of all chums so I've run over my break time. I must return upstairs and start/finish cooking the eggrolls all to the soundtrack of Vivaldi.