on cursing and public urination...


aye... I've been trying to sort out something for the past couple months and I keep on facing one setback after another. It's become very frustrating and I'm starting to think that I've been cursed. Maybe due to some freak run in with a fortune teller, my life is forever destined to be boring in most respects except for the health related sagas that I must endure. I suppose it gives me some sort of party conversation.

speaking of party talk... totally unrelated to my previous little emotional leak there... Why it is that small male children sometimes think it is okay to urinate on a garbage can in the school yard? I ran into this little problem today at work... and I have to admit it was kind of funny, mostly because the small male children in question were still so tiny and innocent looking. I did not witness the event so I had to ask the children if it was true that they did something inappropriate... and they looked to the ground in shame and said yes. And off we went to the principal's office... me feeling relieved that I wasn't being argued with and the children in tears because they knew that their mothers would not be pleased.

oh what a world we live in...