compounds and solutions...


I had an odd dream last night where I was in some museum in Vancouver, but it was more like a military compound and I was trying to escape. I climbed up some odd shelf and ended up on top of the building with no way to get down. And then my old history teacher camer along and he climbed up to where I was and we had a long conversation about life. Like most of my dreams it doesn't make sense. I'm left feeling a little out of sorts today, a little disappointed of where I am in life right now. One could say I'm feeling a little inadequate. I'm hoping that the feeling won't last long. The weather is too nice to waste on an off mood.


  1. see:

  2. c'est un mystere. is that not enough? and is not the lyric "It's a museum and we're all locked up in it after dark" of interest?

  3. yes, it is of interest... but I'm still a little puzzled about the puzzle that I've been presented. Was there something specific about the Hip Museum that I should be looking at and thinking, Wow! the world makes perfect sense now? Or, were you merely trying to drum up business for this site?

  4. nope, just trying to stir up shite... you know me
