a study of form...


store front
Originally uploaded by *raffaella.
I have a summer cold (well technically a spring cold, but I'm trying to trick myself into thinking that it is summer) and I'd really just like to spend some time napping but I have school and work to do.

It's been a busy few weeks. Work has consumed a lot of time... I've been taking lots of pictures... Wade and I took photos for the local high school prom on Saturday which was fun and fabulous although very hectic. We had a bigger crowd than I anticipated, but we managed to get some good shots.

I really have nothing exciting to report. My brain is a little muddled from my cold and I have noticed that I am not performing at my optimum level. Will report more later... still selecting photos for my photo book, and I need to create a physical portfolio as well, with some nice quality prints. Oh the places I must go... the people I must see.