unwelcome even in not my own home


Here's a little beatnik poetry that I did not perform at tonight's open mic at the local coffee house staffed by simple barristas. "Why did I not perform this poem?" you ask. Well I can assure you it was not because of stage fright as there was no stage. In fact I did not even attend this evening's open mic night at the local coffee house staffed by simple barristas. Instead I was off in a nearby village dazzling the locals with the flash from my 420EX Speedlite. I did not have plans to go to open mic, I only bring it up because I saw a sign promoting it while out for coffee earlier today. But back to the performance piece that was never performed.

even in not my own home
tonight's the night I
uncrashed a party

exiting quickly
over the pile of ugly shoes
exhaling in relief as I'd be
unhappy to see myself stay.

That's my original piece of poetry for the evening. I hope you all liked it. I rarely indulge in the poetics, tonight was a special treat.


  1. how strange that we both post poetry on the same night. Sorry about the night, I shunned myself to me room (thank Christos for wifi and a laptop) as I had no desire to hang with the crew. Stories to be told in person.

  2. and just minutes apart too... very strange.
