the art and science of floral arrangement...


he loves me not... © Raffaella Loro

The weather keeps on reminding me that the summer is coming to an end. This saddens me, because in a way I feel like I didn't get enough summer. At least this past weekend and week has been eventful. In addition to the much needed job search, I was able to take in two shows at the Fringe Festival... one being The Return of the Tenors and the other being the much hyped Finer Noble Gases. I enjoyed one a lot and the other one not so much. One involved faux performances of Placebo Domingo, Jose Whocares, and Luciano Papparazzi. The other involved an underactor, an overactor, an okay actor, an extraneous actor, an underdeveloped actor and a prop that fell apart. I challenge you to guess which one I liked more.

Aryn and I managed to find an inexpensive desk chair to solve our seating needs in the short term. He was using a remnant of his university days, yellowed not only from age (it was yellow to begin with), and it was starting to tilt in unergonomic ways. Prior to the purchase of this new chair (which really is nothing to report about) I was using a purple balance ball, which was great for short periods of time in front of the computer, but when I was doing any kind of extended editing work, the lack of back support began to get to me. Besides, WCB recommends that workers do not use a balance ball for their primary desk chair as it does not have the following features:

• A stable base (i.e. a five prong base)
• A backrest to support the curve of the worker’s back (lumbar support)
• Adjustable height
• A seat that tilts forwards and backwards
• A comfortable sitting position
• Where required for work tasks, the ability for the employee to be able to freely swivel from side to side

But don't take my word for it, you can read about it here

Anyhow, my point is that I have been able to get a lot more done in front of the computer in the past couple days since the most recent addition to my furniture family. The yellow chair has now been removed from the apartment... and the balance ball will return as my seat every once and a while.

However my bed is calling me. Just because my chair is comfortable doesn't mean I need to spend all night in front of the screen.