on a winter train going anywhere


So, following my last post where I was worried about the sale of my apartment because it lacked a parking stall and I mused about pedestrianism, I now find myself with a sale pending after entertaining several bids from competing buyers. However, the sale won't be final until the 20th so today I was ousted from my home when the realtor came by with another potential buyer. The timing worked out well, since my friend Alesha was back in town and we decided to meet up for brunch.

The weather these past few days have been lovely and mild. So mild that when I'm only venturing a few blocks from the LRT to my final destination that I am brave enough to wear just a single layer of tights. I realize that these temperatures won't last, so today I was additionally brave and put on a silk dress that I ordinarily reserve for summer. Alesha and I had a nice leisurely brunch, catching up on the past few months and musing about how much has happened in the past ten years since we graduated high school. It's nice to have friends from our much younger days. Alesha and I first met when we were 13 and although we're both very different people now we still get along.

I had carried my camera with me during this outing and I considered walking back home across the bridge, but at the last minute I decided that my afternoon would be better spent at home doing some work. The northbound train was just leaving the station as I was waiting to cross the street, so finding myself with fifteen minutes to spare until the next train arrived I took some photos of the little bits of verse that are posted on the glass walls of the transit shelter.

watching for the train

in her head

shelter, the cold and other words from transit poetry

LRT stations are weird places. People stand around, not talking, looking at ads, always slightly impatient. I appreciate the attempt to make this particular station a bit more interesting with poetry, but it's still a pretty stale environment. But is there value in making transit more social? I sort of like the solitude of the train. Like so many others I provide my own soundtrack. But I don't mind it that way. We all need time that is our own. Even if people think we're strange when we take photos of ourselves while standing on the platform waiting for the next train.

typical winter look


  1. That's not so weird. Weird is taking pictures of you and your bike when "you" has short arms.

  2. What is also weird, apparently, is taking photos of yourself in your newly knit hat, even in an area predominantly populated by tourists who are constantly taking photos of themselves. I guess next time I should try to pretend I'm taking a photo of myself and some nice building, not just myself and a nice hat? :)
