

Some people take coffee breaks. I take a break to visit my neglected blog. It's Friday, the end of week two of gainful employment. All things are well. I've received necessary training to add to my responsibilities (I am now a certified content author, joining the ranks of some 200 others) and I've made some useful contacts that will perhaps lead into an exciting new project that would allow me to flex my intellectual muscles and demonstrate some real communications savvy. However, I am experiencing a mixture of skepticism and hope. My position is a temporary one and I am only guaranteed employment until the end of July. So time is tight. In order to get things done I have to be aggressive and well prepared. I have to work hard to turn my ideas into actions. I am being intentionally vague here, but I can't and won't share any more details. At least not yet.

In light of this summer deadline that looms before me I am both focused on the present and concentrating on what's next. I have tentative plans in case my job should not continue, but the plans that involve me staying in Edmonton do not really excite me all that much. I am capable of more. Over the past couple days I've been considering more courageous change (thanks to the renewed confidence I have working in a job where my initiative and ideas actually seem to be valued). Again, I'm being intentionally vague here (which will no doubt lead to some curious phonecalls from my mother who always thinks I'm hiding from her), but only because I have the habit of sharing too much. Despite my desire for a relatively simple life, I do dream big. Not big in the sense that I have these grandiose plans of some high-powered life, but big in the snese that when I do something it usually involves some significant changes to my life. Whether or not those changes actually happen... well I'm not making any predictions just yet.

In other news I've been feeling pretty great recently. I'm sure the job is part of it, but physically I'm much more refreshed and any periods of woe have been relatively short lived. In fact I've been positively cheerful. Although this morning's snow is no indication, spring is actually here. Perhaps my mood is reflecting that.

I apologize for the lack of images to accompany this post, but my internet permissions have not yet been adjusted and I can't access flickr (access which I do require for work purposes). Soon though. It has been officially promised to me. Like with so many things in life, change is a comin'.