awake the angry girl within...


I don't usually get to the level of frustration where I want to stomp on my computer (it's not good to blame the technology that feeds me), but tonight is one of those nights. After spending a fair amount of time in the past couple weeks laying out a beautiful photo book, I tried to upload my book so that it could be printed only to face failure each of the nearly twenty times I tried. I thought maybe it was my wireless connection... then I thought it might be my computer. No, no, no... The Apple rip off software made by My Publisher had one fatal flaw, it let you lay out lovely books, but it refused to let you buy anything from them. So only solution is to redo my photo book using another program. I'd love to be able to use iPhoto but their large hardcover options do not have a nice cutout instead only an ugly sticker. And I really wanted to do hardcover for this book.

Grrrrrrrrr... I'm more than a little upset by this whole situation. I was being so productive with my photo work, and now I feel like all the work I completed in the last couple weeks has gone to waste. Curse you My Publisher... despite your snazzy looking website you've lost a potential customer thanks to your non-user friendly upload service.