making molehills into mountains


steps of bureaucracy © Raffaella Loro

Sometimes I need to write something down in order to process it properly. There is something about the act of writing that allows me to make sense of things, draw clearer connections between my ideas. It's just how my mind works I suppose. I am a constructor of narratives. It's amazing how useful I find writing things out by hand. Yesterday, I was describing to my newest confidant about what I had accomplished during the day. Although at the time I felt like I was not making much progress, as soon as I started to explain what I had been thinking about while writing, I realized that I had actually done a huge amount of work. My plan was cohesive, it had structure, it was innovative, it had a strong connection to my philosophical approach. It's clear to me that I need to take that time of stream of consciousness to sort things out. And sort things out I did.

I hope that you can tell I'm really pumped about these new projects. They are pretty spectacular in all sorts of ways. I'm sure that I'll be writing about the progress much more over the next 11 months.